“The titles alone provide pause: Journey of Hope, Redemption, Dialogue, Rising Sun, Lost/Sanctuary. The creations of students enrolled in Music in the Mountains Young Composers Project — the names of pieces they composed after spending time in Hospitality House and learning firsthand what it’s like to be homeless.

According to Music in the Mountains Education Coordinator Mark Vance, who arranged the collaboration with Hospitality House, “It was revelatory for the kids and it dispelled all the preconceived notions they may have had about the homeless. It was powerful for them to learn that people could lose the place they live in just a blink of an eye, and might have to resort to living in a car.””

To read more, please go to http://www.theunion.com/entertainment/a-musical-journey-of-hope-young-composers-to-perform-hospitality-house-inspired-work/

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