As reported on KVMR, on 11/2/18

Hospitality House is the only emergency homeless shelter in Nevada County, with 69 beds for homeless men, women and children.

Now, there’s a special story that I want to share with you all today…It’s an incredible success story of three women, that are all in their 50s.  They have been living at the shelter for about a year, and now they are all going to be co-housing together!  They all come from different walks of life but are now in the same journey of getting back on their feet. Next week, these three ladies are moving in together in their own home!  Janella, Housing Case Manager for Hospitality House has closely been working with these ladies in finding them a safe and stable home to live in. A Case Manager will come to follow up with these ladies individually, and for the course of six months or as needed to make sure there housing situation is sustainable for them.  It’s really exciting to see how these ladies have come together to learn how to budget, how to pay their bills and even how to work together to furnish/decorate their home. Thanks to Wayne Worden from Re-Start Ministries who is ongoingly helping and providing people with donated furniture, for those that don’t have the resources to purchase their own. 

A big thank you to the volunteer dinner groups, who made dinner for 80 guest every night last week:  Telestream, St. Patrick’s Church, Beverly’s Bible, Simple Truth, Crossroads Church, and Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital.  

Looking to volunteer in our Community? We are currently looking for volunteers for Bread & Roses Thrift Store, who can help in Donation Receiving on Thursdays and Saturday from 10am to 2pm or from 2pm to 5pm.  Please contact or call 530-615-0805.

Save the date or buy your tickets! The 13th Night of Giving is coming up on Saturday December 22 – Mikail Graham will present a full moon musical celebration featuring 45 of Nevada County’s Favorite performers. The event will take place from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., and will include two music stages, silent auction and dinner! Suggested donation is $20, and no one will be turned away.  Buy your tickets now! Through our website or through our Facebook page @hhshelter. Tickets sold through BriarPatch Food Co-op and Bread & Roses Thrift will be available starting next week.  For sponsorship opportunities or information please call 530-615-0852.  Save the date!  Saturday, December 22.

And too everyone who dropped off needed items for the shelter last week—a thank you! Now down to the nitty gritty needs of the shelter for THIS week . . .

  • Soft granola bars
  • Coffee
  • Men’s jeans sizes 32,34,36,38
  • Men’s T-shirts small – thru -X-L
  • Sweatpants s, m, and L
  • Cough drops

Drop off your donations at Utah’s Place, located in Brunswick Basin, past the DMV, at 1262 Sutton Way. Thank you for sticking together so that we all get what we need.


Your donations provide hot meals, a warm place to sleep and help finding permanent housing. Click Here to Donate>