I want to tell you about some of the work done by the Outreach Case Manager at Hospitality House. He works with people living “in the rough”. Sometimes he gets a call from the jail and they are releasing someone who has nowhere to go. He picks them up and either gets them connected to services or works with the county to get them on a bus to where they want to go. He also builds relationships with people living on the street so that when they are ready for treatment, he jumps on the chance. Last week, a young man—24 years old–came to the door and was fairly desperate. He was struggling with substance abuse and when Joe asked him if he was ready for treatment, he said yes. And Joe worked with city police and CORR and took him over to the treatment center right then! You can support Hospitality House in this work this month—only six days left—and your donation will be matched. Go online to hhshelter.org and give in May.

Mark your calendars to join our homeless guests in a Community Cleanup Day on Thursday, May 31, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Hospitality House. We will be picking up trash in Brunswick Basin and going out to several other camps and areas. Hospitality House does not distribute tents or sleeping bags and the Hospitality House Outreach Case Manager regularly disposes of trash on rural properties while encouraging people to be fire-safe and remove debris. Thanks to County of Nevada for helping with a dumpster. If you can help, bring your gloves to Hospitality House, 1262 Sutton Way at 9 a.m. on May 31. See you there!

Now down to the nitty gritty needs of the shelter for THIS week . . . 
– Small shampoos (travel/hotel size)
– Tampons
– Earplugs
– Short or ankle socks
– Defibrillator
– Blankets
– Volunteer who is good at databases
– Teaching assistant for our Rental Readiness class
Drop off your donations at Utah’s Place, located in Brunswick Basin, past the DMV, at 1262 Sutton Way. Or email Debbie@hhshelter.org with questions.

Bread & Roses Thrift Store just got in some Noritaki china sets, a poker table and they have a bunch of records, not to mention a lot of nice spring and summer clothes. Stop by Bread & Roses Thrift open 10-6, Tuesday-Saturday. 

Last Wednesday many of you gathered and shared stories about Utah Phillips at the shelter location, Utah’s Place. Some people wore the trademark clown nose that Utah used to wear to entertain kids in the grocery store and told stories about the KVMR show Loafer’s Glory. Thanks to Steve Baker, Mikail Graham and all the musicians and friends who sang and laughed together.

Your donations provide hot meals, a warm place to sleep and help finding permanent housing. Click Here to Donate>