As reported on KVMR, on 9/28/18

Today I wanted to tell you about a couple in their sixties, I’ll call them Norma and John, who have lived outside in Nevada County for years until their health started to give out. Joe Naake, our outreach case manager, got them into the shelter to get stable and a generous community member is donating a mobile home for them. We are collaborating with another nonprofit for the mobile home space, even while helping Norma sort through some health issues. We’ll keep you posted on their progress!

A big thank you to the volunteer dinner groups who shopped and chopped this week for the shelter guests: Telestream, St. Patrick’s, Mountain Stream Meditation, Peace Lutheran Church, 7th Day Adventist Church, Wolf Creek Cohousing and the Nevada City Chamber of Commerce board serving with our culinary students.

The dinner teams will be serving even more meals next week as the shelter opens for 15 downstairs beds, for a total of almost 70 beds, starting this Monday, October 1. We turn away people who are not from Nevada County (22 so far this year), so that your support helps people from Nevada County. Our process for determining whether someone is from Nevada County goes like this:

  1. They must either show an ID or Driver’s License with a local address OR..
  2. Show mail they have been receiving at a local address 
  3. If they do not have either of the above documentation, we will call GVPD for clearance and they will inform us where the individual is from, and if they qualify for residency.

The goal at Hospitality House is to reduce homelessness in the county where we all live and work.

To that end, we want to thank all of you who dropped off needed items last week. Now down to the nitty gritty needs of the shelter for THIS week . . .

  • Lip Balm
  • Ladies under britches sizes 5 – 9
  • Ladies PJ’s size small and medium
  • White Cotton Socks
  • Men’s boxers size medium
  • Ladies deodorant
  • Nail Polish
  • Disposable razors
  • Sturdy Backpacks
  • Good vacuum for the shelter

Drop off your donations at Utah’s Place, located in Brunswick Basin, past the DMV, at 1262 Sutton Way. Call 615-0852 with any questions.

And here is one other way you can help, if you are involved in a group—book club, exercise class, service group—consider doing a Clothing and Housewares Drive to help support the shelter. Here is how it works: Pick up a customizable “Clothing Drive” flyer at Bread & Roses Thrift or at, invite your friends or group to bring you items by a certain date, then you drop them off at Bread & Roses Thrift. We will sort the clothing items needed by the shelter and the rest of the items will be sold to help our homeless neighbors. Or if you are throwing a party, ask people to bring a bag of gently used items instead of a hostess gift. Stop by Bread & Roses Thrift (right next to Sierra Cinemas) to pick up a Clothing Drive flyer.

Your donations provide hot meals, a warm place to sleep and help finding permanent housing. Click Here to Donate>