As reported on KVMR, April 26:

Hospitality House is the only emergency homeless shelter in Nevada County, with 69 beds for homeless men, women and children.

I’m Fred Skeen and I’m a case manager at Hospitality House, helping individuals in our shelter with their next steps to move from homelessness to housing. With the shortage of affordable housing here, it’s challenging at times to find permanent housing solutions. Our guests are competing for homes and rentals with people who have 700-plus credit scores and often perfect rental history. As a result, they are passed up on housing opportunities often and it’s hard to watch someone’s hope for a home crumble before your eyes.

Everyone in our shelter wants a home, but right now, three women in our shelter are taking matters into their own hands. We haven’t found living arrangements for them individually yet, so to strengthen their chances at finding a home, they’ve come together and agreed to live together. Now, in addition to my efforts to find them a shared home, they’re out there looking too. All three of these women are great candidates for housing, and when you agree to help one of our guests, whether it’s a room rental, an apartment, or house, we want it to be a good fit. Our relationship with the guest and the landlord doesn’t end after someone is housed. We stick together with you to ensure it’s a happy, healthy relationship for all involved. If anyone listening right now might have an interest in helping them, I invite you to call me today. I can be reached directly at 530-559-5411.

We depend on the kindness of landlords and caring individuals like you to make what we do possible. If you’d like to strengthen our reach and efforts to help those in need, I invite you to make a gift at our website, Every penny supports our homeless community. Likewise, donations to our thrift store, Bread & Roses, are helpful too. The store benefits greatly from clothes, small furniture, electronics, and after making your tax-deductible donation, shop there too! Stop by today and enjoy 50% off ALL electronics, or stop by tomorrow, April 27, and enjoy 50% off ALL clothes! 

By shopping at Bread & Roses, you’re helping us provide vital services to those in need. If you’d like to learn more about what we do, we’re now offering tours to the public on the first Thursday of every month at 9 a.m. That means in less than a week, you could be touring our shelter. For details, please visit our website,, or call our development director, Ashley Quadros, at 615-0852.

We appreciate everyone who supports Hospitality House and I’d like to personally thank all the volunteers who cooked for our homeless friends this past week, including: Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains, Mount Saint Mary’s Academy, Unity in the Gold Country, Meals by Heels, Peace Lutheran Church, the Home Team, and Seventh Day Adventists. From all of us at Hospitality House, we thank you!

To everyone who dropped off needed items last week—we thank you as well! Now down to the nitty gritty needs of the shelter for this week…

  • Men’s jeans, sizes 34-38
  • Men’s t-shirts, sizes L & XL
  • Men’s deodorant
  • Day packs (like school day packs)

Please drop off urgent items to Utah’s Place, located in Brunswick Basin, past the DMV, at 1262 Sutton Way. For all other donations that may benefit a homeless guest or the shelter in general, please take them to the backdoor of Bread & Roses, our thrift shop, located at 840 E Main Street, directly next door to Sierra Cinemas. Guests at our shelter are given shopping vouchers for the store to buy what they need, so your donation directly helps them. All other items are sold with 100% of the sales supporting the shelter’s operations. Thank you for sticking together so that we all get what we need.


Your donations provide hot meals, a warm place to sleep and help finding permanent housing. Click Here to Donate>