I am Sarah Kinney, a case manager here at Hospitality House and I work specifically with the homeless victims of crime. I assist our guests by connecting them with the resources and support they need to get back on their feet.

I want to share with you all a quick story regarding one of our shelter guests, who I will call Tom. Tom has struggled with alcoholism and since his arrival at Utah’s Place he has remained sober and is always volunteering to help staff as well as other guests. Tom enjoys keeping his hands busy and when the weather permits, you can find Tom in the shelter’s Hope & Healing Garden tending to the plants and vegetables we grow every year. We have assisted Tom with transportation to and from his medical appointments and extended related services. Recently, Tom secured a job and is excited to be back to work. He continues his growth and sobriety at the shelter, and we are proud of all the hard work he puts forth every day. If anyone has job openings or housing options for our guests, feel free to reach out to me, Sarah, at (530) 615-6707.

Normally at this time we thank all the cook groups who came and cooked over the last week, but to keep our shelter safe, our cook groups are supporting our meals by donating financial support and food, and Chef Chris is safely cooking all meals instead. We’d like to thank Alta Sierra Latter Day Saints, Twin Cities Church, Trinity Episcopal Church, Seasoned with Love, Choppers, The Home Team and Abundant Life Community Church for all their help. To everyone who donated our most needed items last week, thank you as well!

And the needs of the shelter for this week are:

•PPE masks and gloves (please keep donating these)
•*New pillows
•Blankets, twin size
•Bottled water
•Hand warmers
•Ensure/Boost drinks for a guest undergoing chemo and radiation treatments
•Alka seltzer
•Travel bags/backpacks
•Hair ties
•Toilet paper
•Wet wipes
•Paper towels
•Men and Women’s winter gloves
•Men’s jeans, sizes 30-36
•8oz paper coffee cups (no lids or styrofoam/plastic cups needed)
•Women’s underwear, sizes S, M, and L (or 5,6,7 and 8)
•Men and Women sweatpants, sizes M, L, XL and 2XL
•Shower curtains and attachment rings for the Outreach Dorm’s bathroom shower)

Please drop off urgent items or mail them to Utah’s Place, located in Brunswick Basin, past the DMV, at 1262 Sutton Way in Grass Valley. For a tax receipt, please ring the doorbell and wait for someone to come outside to assist you. We greatly appreciate the community’s help at such times of uncertainty. In the words of Utah Phillips, “If we all stick together, we’ll get what we need.” Thank you!

Your donations provide hot meals, a warm place to sleep and help finding permanent housing. Click Here to Donate>