Hello, I’m Dave, a shelter advocate at Utah’s Place, Hospitality House’s emergency shelter and central resource hub for the general homeless population in Nevada County. I tend to needs of guests, helping them get clothing, food, laundry room access and whatever else they need during their stay at the shelter. I guess you can say I’m like the shelter’s guest concierge. This week, we had a special moment with one of our guests Linda.

Linda and her sweet dog Sparkles came to the shelter last fall after surviving a housefire that decimated their home and injured both of them. Shortly after coming to Utah’s Place, Linda developed brain and heart complications. Her surgeries and extensive treatments kept her hospitalized for nearly a month. When Linda left, Sparkles was all alone.

We didn’t have the heart to send her to the animal shelter; instead, we all pitched in to watch Sparkles. She became our shelter pet. We let her sleep in our downstairs office, took turns taking her on walks; shelter staff made sure she was attended to day and night. Instead of just one owner, Sparkles got herself a whole house of caretakers.

When Linda came back to the shelter, she was overjoyed to be reunited with her beloved Sparkles. She stopped by our staff meeting, tearing up with gratitude while thanking all who helped take care of her pet. It is very satisfying to find creative ways to address our guests’ unique needs—whatever the circumstances may be.

Thank you to everyone who donates to Hospitality House and allows us to care for guests, being a constant source of hope and guidance for those working their way back to permanent housing. If you’d like to be a part of this meaningful effort, please consider joining our Hearts & Hands Club, where giving as little as $10 per month can add up to a big impact over the year. To learn more, please click here or call 530-615-0852.

I’d also like to thank all our volunteers and our partners for providing ongoing food and/or financial support: Interfaith Food Ministry, the Bishop Store (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Nevada City) and Food Bank of Nevada County. To everyone who donated our most needed items last week, thank you as well! We are incredibly grateful to all of you who give your time, energy and compassion to those who need it most.

The shelter’s wish list for the week:

• Towels (any size, always welcome)

• Twin-size bed sheets (urgent need)

• Soap (liquid or bar)

DONATION HOURS AND DROP-OFF LOCATION: Donations from our needs list above and all unexpired/store-bought foods are accepted at Utah’s Place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30am – 3:30pm and Saturdays from 10am – 2pm. Our shelter is located at 1262 Sutton Way, Grass Valley, CA 95945.

Thank you for thinking of us!

Your donations provide hot meals, a warm place to sleep and help finding permanent housing. Click Here to Donate>