My name is Fred Skeen. I’m an RN case manager at Hospitality House. My job is to assist guests with qualifying for social services benefits, arranging medical care referrals, and eventually getting them into independent housing. We make every effort to guide our guests in their transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency and housing.

I want to share the story of a woman that I will call Jackie.

Jackie moved to Nevada County to care for an aging family member and be closer to her children who lived in the area. When the family member she was caring for passed, Jackie moved in with one of her adult children. Not long after, that relationship deteriorated, and Jackie was taken advantage of, both financially and emotionally. To break this emotional and fiduciary abuse cycle, she decided to leave and seek services at Communities Beyond Violence (CBV). I met Jacking in September 2021; she was referred to Hospitality House by CBV.

Jackie suffers from long-term chronic physical health conditions and anxiety and depression. We’re grateful Jackie is in our care, as these would have been exacerbated by experiencing homelessness. During her stay at Hospitality House, we have been able to assist Jackie with acquiring Social Security benefits. She now has a new California ID card and is opening her own bank account, not attached to other family members. She continues to work with her primary care physician at a local clinic to help with managing her physical and mental health. Jackie is eagerly searching for a small apartment or room to rent to get back to an independent and self-sufficient living experience.

During her time at Communities Beyond Violence and Hospitality House, many individuals worked with Jackie to help her feel empowered and in control of her situation. This allowed her to have the courage to take steps to get healthy (she quit smoking!) and stay away from her abusers. Jackie is a delightful woman. She has a wonderful sense of humor and a realistic goal of living on her own again. If anyone reading this might be interested in meeting Jackie to consider her for a potential room or apartment rental opportunity, please do not hesitate to call me directly: Fred Skeen, RN, Medical Case Manager at (530) 559-5411.

If you would like to help Jackie or additional women, men, and children in need, you currently have a unique chance to amplify your impact now through March 8th! This International Women’s Day, a local woman entrepreneur is offering a match on all donations to Hospitality House up to $7,500. Every dollar donated immediately becomes two, going twice as far to help Nevada County residents in need. For example, a $25 donation automatically becomes $50, which, as an example, can provide 50 women, men, and children a hot and healthy meal. To participate in this limited-time matching opportunity, go to today!

Normally at this time, we thank all the cook groups who came and cooked over the last week, but to keep our shelter safe, our cooking groups are supporting our meals by donating financial support and food, and Chef Gina is safely cooking all meals instead. We’d like to thank Gold Country Calvary Church, Telestream, The Gourmet Squad, Sierra Pines, Jazzercise, BriarPatch Food Co-Op, and SPD Markets for all their recent help.

Due to a construction project at Utah’s Place, donations of goods are still temporarily suspended. In-person donations are expected to resume by July 2022, unless otherwise indicated. Hospitality House asks individuals and businesses to please consider financial contributions during this time in lieu of physical goods to reduce the possibility of injury in a construction zone. Donations may be made at, by calling 530-615-0852, or by sending a donation made payable to Hospitality House at 1262 Sutton Way, Grass Valley, CA 95945. In the words of Utah Phillips, “If we all stick together, we’ll get what we need.” Thank you!

Your donations provide hot meals, a warm place to sleep and help finding permanent housing. Click Here to Donate>