Weekly News -11/2/18

As reported on KVMR, on 11/2/18 Hospitality House is the only emergency homeless shelter in Nevada County, with 69 beds for homeless men, women and children. Now, there’s a special story that I want to share with you all today…It’s an incredible success story of three...

Weekly News -11/2/18

As reported on KVMR, on 11/2/18 Hospitality House is the only emergency homeless shelter in Nevada County, with 69 beds for homeless men, women and children. Now, there’s a special story that I want to share with you all today…It’s an incredible success story of three...

Weekly News- 10/26/18

As reported on KVMR, on 10/26/18    Hospitality House Guests took the lead in cleaning some Grass Valley homeless camps and adjacent rural areas last Thursday.  Working with the Grass Valley Police Department and Waste Management, 16 volunteers cleaned 5 locations...

Weekly News- 10/19/18

As reported on KVMR, on 10/19/18 Speaking of people staying at the shelter, yesterday Hospitality House guests took the lead in cleaning Grass Valley camps and rural areas. Working with the Grass Valley Police Department and Waste Management, 16 volunteers cleaned 5...

Weekly News- 10/19/18

As reported on KVMR, on 10/19/18 Speaking of people staying at the shelter, yesterday Hospitality House guests took the lead in cleaning Grass Valley camps and rural areas. Working with the Grass Valley Police Department and Waste Management, 16 volunteers cleaned 5...

Weekly News -9/28/18

As reported on KVMR, on 9/28/18 Today I wanted to tell you about a couple in their sixties, I’ll call them Norma and John, who have lived outside in Nevada County for years until their health started to give out. Joe Naake, our outreach case manager, got them into the...

Weekly News – 9/21/18

As reported on KVMR, on 8/21/18 We have a large County, and we often get stuck in the thinking that because we have an impacted homeless situation in Grass Valley and Nevada City, that we tend to forget that we also have other communities.  North San Juan and Truckee...

Weekly News – 9/14/18

Pam, one of our volunteers at Hospitality House, is this great lady who gives her time and talent both leading a meal team at Utah’s Place and helping at Bread and Roses, our thrift store. She was inspired to volunteer at Hospitality House because her son was homeless...

Weekly News – 9/14/18

Pam, one of our volunteers at Hospitality House, is this great lady who gives her time and talent both leading a meal team at Utah’s Place and helping at Bread and Roses, our thrift store. She was inspired to volunteer at Hospitality House because her son was homeless...

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