A New Home for Carol
Carol Stewart (pictured above) is 74 years old and fell into homelessness for the first time in her life at the start of the pandemic, which is a very scary time for anyone to find themselves housing insecure. Over the last few months, Hospitality House, FREED, and County of Nevada have worked together to help Carol, but this month, the help of a local donor changed Carol’s life.
Yvonne Winn, smiling above in the middle, with Outreach Manager Joe Naake and Executive Director Nancy Baglietto, gifted her trailer to help someone overcome homelessness. With tears of joy in her eyes, she selflessly gave her 40-foot King of the Road travel trailer to help Carol back into housing.
“I have lived through losing everything in the past and knew that my battle back to independence would mean one day being able to help another woman in need,” said Yvonne. “That day came this summer and it was the most beautiful day of my life! To know that my trailer with the walls covered in inspirational quotes on having strength and not giving up has become Carol’s new home warms my heart to no end!”
Thank you, Yvonne, for helping real people in our community on their journeys back to housing. If you’d like to help someone in crisis too, you can. No gift is too small to make a difference. Give today>
Pandemic Progress
(March 16 – July 13)
We have individuals and families counting on us and the pandemic will not slow us down. We are standing strong and moving forward because of your continued support. In these last four months, 356 unique individuals in crisis have been helped because of community supporters like you, with the following services provided:
  • 25,385 meals served
  • 1,785 case management services provided
  • 1,583 rides provided to medical and related
  • 191 life skills/housing counseling sessions given
  • 49 mental health counseling sessions provided
  • 47 hygiene packages delivered on the streets
  • 38 people moved from homelessness to housing!
There is more work to do and we welcome your support. Give today>
Former Guest Achieves Her Dreams
Wendy Norman was once someone who struggled with substance use disorder and homelessness. She grew up in an abusive household and eventually ran away to escape the pain but ended up in a new home where she was introduced to drugs. At the age of 13, she became addicted and her life took a turn for the worse, but today, she is clean and sober and a high school graduate!
“Wendy has worked hard to heal and break multi-generational cycles of trauma and addiction,” said Jennifer Thomas, Wendy’s case manager. “She has created a balanced life for herself and having a place of her own has been a goal for years.”
Wendy moved into permanent housing last October, and despite the pandemic, she continued forward in her education. She graduated in June and is off to college!
“I want to become a drug and alcohol counselor so I can be there for someone else as Hospitality House has been there for me,” said Wendy.
Congratulations, Wendy! We are so proud of you!
Business Appreciation:
Early Bird Farm
We are delighted to tell you about our newly formed friendship with the wonderful folks at Early Bird Farm & Mill.
Farmer Drew Speroni will help our efforts to feed people in crisis by donating harvested goods as often as they can.
Please support their farm for supporting our community.
Thank you, Early Bird Farm!
Volunteer Spotlight: Pat Forman
Pat has a passion to serve. For the last two decades, she’s been involved with the end of life movement and in teaching folks about advance care planning. She moved to Nevada City in 2015 and connected with Hospitality House soon after, becoming a steady volunteer and an honored member of the Hearts & Hands Club. She’s served in a variety of capacities through the years, including cooking with the Mountain Stream team, helping at events and fundraisers, working at the former Bread & Roses Thrift and More, and acting as a spiritual care and end of life advocate in the shelter.
“From my college days, fighting injustice – working to make services and opportunities more equitable, affordable and available for underserved populations – has been my passion,” said Pat.
Pat developed a deeper appreciation for helping those less fortunate following a trip to Cuba in 1988 with her teenage daughter. When they visited a local high school, a comment from a student in a class changed her forever.
The student had heard there were homeless people living on the streets in the US and said that couldn’t be true and asked her daughter to explain.
“When my daughter talked about there being thousands of homeless people in the US, and having to step over homeless people on her way to school, the Cuban students were dumbfounded,” recalled Pat. “The student said, ‘How could that be? In Cuba, if someone saw a homeless person, she would take him/her home. We would never allow someone to live on the street.’’’
Pat acknowledged things in Cuba are much different 30 years later but said, “That’s one reason that this cause matters so much to me.”
With Pat at our sides, Hospitality House continues to help people off the streets and into permanent homes of their own. We are grateful for Pam’s kind heart, her advocacy, and her spiritual care and commitment to our homeless community.
Thank You, Empty Bowl Friends!
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported Empty Bowl 2020. We enjoyed seeing many smiling faces (through masks!) at our bowl pick up on July 10.
A big thank you to our talented artists for gifting their unique pieces of art every year to make Empty Bowl possible and to our local businesses for their continued sponsorship. We know this was a very different year, but we thank our community for standing in solidarity with us and taking the spirit of the event home with them.
Living Legacy: Let’s Talk Stock
Donating highly appreciated stock is one of the most tax-efficient ways to give.
You receive a deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock at the time of the transfer (its increased value), and never pay capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock. It’s that easy!
You’re Invited to Join!
Did you know that we have a fun-loving group called the Hearts & Hands Club? Club members donate every month to support the efforts of Hospitality House.
Club donations are allocated toward the greatest needs, including but not limited to shelter, food, clothing, outreach, housing assistance, case management, and job training. The club has also been a huge help in furthering our emergency services during the pandemic.
Have $10 to spare? The price of a movie ticket can help provide nourishing meals to 10 people every month.
Sign up now> Under donation frequency, select “monthly” for Hearts & Hands Club.
Don’t Miss NEWS and Heart-Warming Videos!
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Stop By and Thank These
Generous Local Sponsors!
Wish List
Needs for the Shelter:
· Adult coloring books
· New Pillows
· Colored pens and pencils
· Any crafts that can be done by one person
· Deodorant
· Bleach
· Men’s and Women’s short-sleeve T-shirts
· Men’s and Women’s Levis/pants
· Men’s and Women’s shorts
· Men’s and Women’s underwear
· Baseball caps/Sun hats
· Antacid Liquid (like Pepto-Bismol)
· Pepto-Bismol tablets
· TUMS tablets
· Earplugs
Please drop these urgent items off at Utah’s Place, located 1262 Sutton Way in Grass Valley.
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Your donations provide hot meals, a warm place to sleep and help finding permanent housing. Click Here to Donate>