Utah’s Place


Located at 1262 Sutton Way, Utah’s Place serves up to 69 homeless individuals and families in our community by providing a place to shower, do laundry, have meals and receive case housing management.  Each day guests must check in between 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. for admittance to the shelter.  Guests can leave their belongings for the night in a bin underneath their assigned bed and must agree to the Hospitality House Mutual Respect Agreement while at the shelter. Guests are required to sign up for chores during their stay and encouraged to utilize services to their fullest in order to get back on their feet.

Named after one of the late founders of Hospitality House, Utah Phillips was an ardent advocate for labor and peace issues as well as for the rights of homeless people. Utah, who was once homeless himself, felt a responsibility to help those in need.

Services Provided:

  • Emergency Overnight ShelterHH Women's Dorm
  • Hot Meals
  • Medical Referral Services
  • On site TB Testing and Flu Shots
  • Onsite Mental Health and Substance Abuse Screenings
  • Housing Case Management
  • Assistance with SSI/SSDI Applications
  • Six Week Culinary Job Training Program
  • Public Assistance Applications
  • Showers and Laundry
  • Free Clothing, Bedding, Coats, Hygiene Products
  • Recreation and Community-Building such as Daily House Meetings, Movies, Games, and Cards
  • Life Skills and Personal Life-Enhancing Activities/Plans
  • Housing Readiness Workshops
  • Job Readiness Workshops
  • Crisis Support

Shelter Features:

  • A Pathways to Housing room dedicated to services helping people to find homes, including caseworkers helping with individualized housing plans, one-time financial assistance (for rental costs and utilities), and connection to housing opportunities (open to all homeless people in the county).
  • The Pathways to Housing room is equipped with computers for life skills classes, including career planning, work habits, communication, money management, self-care, and homelessness recovery.
  • Ample space for job-readiness workshops/skills offered by local service agencies and community members (resumes, interview skills, etc.).
  • A room where housing case managers meet with individuals and their families.
  • A commercial kitchen
  • Space for onsite recovery support meetings.
  • A private room for families with children.
  • Bunk Beds.
  • Multiple showers, laundry room.
  • A medical office and designated space for mobile medical clinic.
  • Space for community members to offer art, music, and other participatory/instructional opportunities.
  • A bus stop almost outside our door.


We Need Your Support!

“As Utah Phillips used to say, ‘Never put a wishbone where your backbone ought to be.’ For many homeless people in our community, Hospitality House is the difference between hope and utter desolation. We’re there for them in these harsh times when the services they depend on are being cut back or completely eliminated. Utah’s Place is our chance to take a huge step forward in offering them food, shelter and expert individualized casework in one stable, year-round environment. Please give generously—even courageously!—to this important effort. As always, we count on you.” -Joanna Robinson, Co-Founder and devoted supporter


How Can You Help?

Leave a lasting legacy for yourself, your organization or a loved one. Please contact us.

Get in Touch

1262 Sutton Way
Grass Valley, CA 95945

Shelter Line: (530) 271-7144

Your donations provide hot meals, a warm place to sleep and help finding permanent housing. Click Here to Donate>