Weekly News – 6/8/18

Molly, housing case manager reporting: “I get to work with our guests to help them get back into housing. Last week we worked with a fellow who was on the streets and wasn’t coming into shelter. Several staff all worked together to get him into the shelter. He...

"The Gift of Song" to Benefit Hospitality House"

I was listening to the radio one Friday morning while in my car driving into Nevada City. I like to listen to  Jeri Ann Van Dijk’s show on Friday mornings on KVMR. Every week around 8:30, Jeri Ann invites Joanna Robinson from Hospitality House to talk about...
Wish List

Wish List

Here’s our weekly wish list from Joanna Robinson’s weekly report on KVMR community radio: deodorant (small containers) ear plugs disposable razors laundry detergent (HE) coffee (ground) sliced bread milk peanut butter jelly juice boxes toilet paper new or...

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