Weekly News: Changing Lives Together
My name is Jessica Solis-Hernandez and I’m the Marketing and Development Specialist at Hospitality House. My role is to connect with many wonderful donors, volunteers and businesses in our community who want to help address the problems of hunger and homelessness in...
Weekly News: Nina Found a Second Family at Utah’s Place
My name is Mark Rose, and I’m the Shelter Manager for Hospitality House. I oversee Utah’s Place, the emergency homeless shelter, and work to ensure that shelter guests are getting every opportunity to become housing ready. I am fairly new to the organization, so I’ve...
Weekly News: Jackson is Driven to Succeed
My name is Brian Maes, and I’m an overnight advocate at Utah’s Place, Hospitality House’s emergency homeless shelter. My role is to ensure that the guests at the shelter are safe and following the rules. The majority of my nights are relatively quiet, with most guests...
Weekly News: Man Reconnects with Estranged Son Before Passing
My name is Janella Kirkman, and I’m the Social Service Manager at Hospitality House. I oversee a team of dedicated case managers, all working to help guests on their journeys back to housing. Today I’d like to tell you a story about a man I’ll call...
Weekly News: Woman Receives Help with Move into New Home
My name is William Buss and I am the Shelter and Sierra Guest Home Staff Supervisor here at Hospitality House. I work with our staff to make sure that individuals are receiving the best care possible while in our stay, while also working towards achieving permanent...
Weekly News: Woman Moves Out of the Woods, Takes Steps Towards Permanent Housing
I’m Kelly, a licensed clinical social worker for Hospitality House and embedded in the Grass Valley Police Department as one-half of the team known as the California Violence Intervention Program, or Cal-VIP. My partner, Officer Jonathan Brown, and I specifically...
Artist Inspired to Action: Local Painter to Help People in Need
Grass Valley, Calif. (April 4, 2022) – Artist Adam Shaw is drawing attention by donating his talent to further the efforts of Hospitality House, the community’s leading homeless shelter and services provider. Shaw will donate six unique pieces of art to Hospitality...Adam Shaw- Special Art Sale-Art for a Cause
* Sale starts on Thursday, April 7 at 10 a.m. To purchase or for availability, call (530) 615-0852. Learn how this opportunity came about. Adam Shaw Flower 1-$500 (gallery price $950) 12″x 9″ By Adam Shaw Flower 2- $500 (gallery price $950)...