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Kristel Takes Steps Toward Housing
Kristel is currently experiencing homelessness and living in our shelter. For years, she struggled with addiction and was in a toxic relationship, and things only got worse after she lost her home and her job in the same day.
When Kristel turned to Hospitality House for help, she was met by supportive staff who worked with her one-on-one to rebuild her life. Today, Kristel celebrates 106 days of sobriety! And this past week, Kristel landed a brand-new job, too.
“I’m done getting high,” said Kristel. “I went so long without living.”
Because of supporters in the community, Kristel’s next step is finding and securing permanent housing and after getting housed, she’ll continue to receive case management support.
Click here to watch a short video update from Kristel:
To help Kristel and additional women, men and children experiencing homelessness right now, please give today>
 Thank You, Empty Bowl Friends
We’d like to thank everyone who helped make the 15th annual Empty Bowl benefit for our shelter a big success. The community raised nearly $30,000 to directly help people experiencing homelessness receive emergency shelter, food, case management, housing aid, medical respite, and more. Read our full press announcement>
Empty Bowl serves as an ongoing reminder of what a simple bowl of soup and sustenance truly means for someone who is hungry and struggling on the streets with no place to call home. In 2020, Hospitality House served over 70,000 meals and every meal provided was met with gratitude from locals in need, like homeless resident, Mark Burton. Read Mark’s full story>
To help more people get back on their feet, please consider a gift today. Every dollar counts. Give now>
Volunteer Spotlight: Suzie Miller
“It’s in my genes. I follow in my mother’s footsteps,” said Suzie Miller. “I always feel by the grace of God I could have easily been in their position (homeless). In my earlier days, I could have easily taken one turn and been homeless. I am grateful that I can help.”
For the last decade, Suzie has been giving her heart to Hospitality House with no plans to slow down. She first heard about our nonprofit at women’s bible study offered at Twin Cities Church (TCC) and knew she wanted to get involved. At that time, Hospitality House had no physical shelter and relied on churches to open their doors each night to those in need.
“We would cook everything from home and bring big fat batches of soup to the church,” recalled Suzie, who noted at that time, she generally cooked for 30 to 40 people experiencing homelessness. (Today, Hospitality House averages 90 people a day).
When our permanent shelter, Utah’s Place, opened in 2013, Suzie’s desire to cook only deepened. In addition to cooking with the TCC team under volunteer Margaret Little and eventually taking over as team co-lead with fellow volunteer Laurel Vieaux, she also helped lead a second cook group, the Lake Wildwood Christian Club, for two years, on top of volunteering in other capacities, such as helping at Hospitality House events and coordinating speaking engagements for Hospitality House staff.
“What I have enjoyed most is bringing along people who don’t know about Hospitality House and getting them to come in and volunteer,” she said. Suzie recruited not only friends and neighbors but family, too. “It was very special that I was able to bring my granddaughter Alyce in to help serve one time.”
Over the years, the TCC team became well-known in the shelter for their famous meatloaf, that they typically serve with fresh veggies, a loaded salad, and dessert.
“We did meatloaf once and everyone loved it, so we do it every time,” she explained. “It made it easy for shopping and as the numbers got bigger, it was easy to add onto the ingredients.”
The team, which Suzie and Hospitality House deeply credit for their devotion, includes Donna Ellert, Bob Whiteaker, Dorin Rollins, Susanne Vaughn, Barbara Tiegs, Becky Thompson, Pat Miller-Fee and Sharon Norton (as well as subs: Larry Ellert, Carol Battles, Glenda Skibitzke, Rhonda Yates, Arlin and Olivia Torbett).
“I love Hospitality House,” she concluded. “They get involved in the community and they have wonderful hearts … and the guests, you can see it in their eyes—they are so grateful.”
Thank you, Suzie. We are grateful for you!
 Business Appreciation:
Western Sierra Medical Clinic
We’d like to thank our friends at Western Sierra Medical Clinic (WSMC). In addition to providing quality health care services to many of our guests, for the last year, they’ve gone above and beyond to provide onsite COVID-19 testing at our shelter. Twice a week, WSMC staff administer testing to help ensure our guests’ ongoing good health and safety.
Thank you, WSMC! We appreciate you!
 What About the Future?
If making a will has been on your to-do list, don’t let it linger any longer. Planning for the future is important, but it doesn’t have to be stressful or intimidating. Following are free resources to get started:
In the event a friend or loved one ever falls on hard times, help ensure Hospitality House can respond with care and compassion by including Foothill House of Hospitality (our legal name) in your will or trust, and join the Hospitality House Legacy Circle today.
Night of Giving
Please save the date for Saturday, Dec. 18. This year’s Night of Giving will look and feel very different, but the impact we hope to create with your help remains critical. Right now, Hospitality House is looking for business sponsors and angel donors to help make a triple match for the evening possible. Please contact Development Director Ashley Quadros at (530) 615-0852 or via email if you’d like to help or learn more about this opportunity.
We Heart Our
Hearts & Hands Club
Want to be a part of a fun-loving club that makes a difference? You can!
At Hospitality House, we are counting our lucky stars to be surrounded by so many caring people in our community. Hearts & Hands Club members donate every month to support the efforts of Hospitality House. Club donations are collectively allocated toward the greatest needs each month, including but not limited to shelter, food, clothing, outreach, housing assistance, case management, job training and emergency preparedness in response to COVID-19.
For as little as $5, you can become an honored club member today and change a life right now. Learn more about the club and join today>
We’re Hiring!
We are on the hunt for amazing people to join our team. Several career opportunities are available. If you want to make a difference, we want to hear from you!
Full-time positions include medical benefits, paid holidays and PTO—on top of the satisfaction you’ll feel knowing you are changing lives forever.
Questions? Connect with Human Resources by calling Leah Farkas at (530) 206-7771 or emailing
Stop By and Thank Our
Generous Local Sponsors!
Don’t Miss NEWS and Heart-Warming Videos!
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Wish List
Needs for the Shelter:
• Baby car seats, baby blankets, strollers and diapers, sizes newborn, 1 and 2
• Blankets, twin size
• Bottled water
• Hairbrushes
• Headphones
• Men’s and women’s jackets, all sizes
• Men’s and women’s underwear, sizes M and L
• Men’s sweatpants, all sizes
• Men’s t-shirts, sizes M, L and XL
• Napkins
• New pillows
• Paper towels, large
• Paper plates/bowls
• Plastic utensils
• PPE masks (disposable or neck gators)
• Sweatshirts / hoodies, all sizes
• Toothbrushes (new)
• Toothpaste
• Travel bags, duffle bags
and backpacks
• Women leggings, all sizes
Please drop these urgent items off at Utah’s Place, located 1262 Sutton Way in Grass Valley.
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Address postal inquiries to:
Hospitality House
1262 Sutton Way
Grass Valley, CA 95945-5175

Your donations provide hot meals, a warm place to sleep and help finding permanent housing. Click Here to Donate>